MERICS Lunch Talk: China as a major actor in climate policy

MERICS Lunch Talk: China as a major actor in climate policy

Dec 11, 2019 13:00 - 14:30

The current state of China’s energy transition, its challenges and ways to meet the Paris Agreement targets. Preview of the China Renewable Energy Outlook 2019 

In early December, the international community will hold its 25th Conference of Parties, COP 25, in Madrid to negotiate climate protection targets and measures. As the largest emitter of greenhouse gases, China is a major player in the discussions how to achieve effective action for climate protection. 

What is the current state of the Chinese climate policy? What challenges does China face in its energy transition? Which regulatory, technical and structural measures are most urgent in order to make progress? How can China meet its obligations under the Paris Agreement?  

The panel included Carolin Schenuit (Team Leader for System and Market Integration of Renewable Energies at the German Energy Agency, dena) and Lars Møllenbach Bregnbæk, partner at Ea Energy Analyses (Ea). Both were also involved in drafting the outlook together with the Chinese think tank China National Renewable Energy Center (CNREC). Nis Grünberg, analyst at MERICS and an expert on state-owned-enterprise reform in the energy sector, completed the panel.

Listen to an edited version of the panel discussion (in German) in the MERICS Experts Podcast:

China as a major actor in climate policy